Ph.D. Associate Professor
1. Du, F., Zhang, K., & Abrams, R. A., (2011) Spatial distribution of the attentional blink. Frontiers in Cognition. full-text
2. Du, F & Abrams, R. A., (2010) Endogenous orienting is reduced during the attentional blink. Experimental Brain Research. 205, 115-121 full-text
3. Du, F. & Abrams, R. A., (2010). Visual field asymmetry in attentional capture. Brain & Cognition. 72, 310-316
4. Davoli, C. C., Du, F., Montana, J. Garverick, S. & Abrams, R. A. (2010). When meaning matters, look but don’t touch: The effects of posture on reading. Memory & Cognition. 38, 555-562 full-text
5. Du, F. & Abrams, R. A., (2009). Onset capture requires attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 16, 537-541
6. Tse, C., Kurby, C. A. & Du, F. (2009) Perceptual simulation and linguistic representations have differential effects on speeded relatedness Judgments and recognition memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 63, 928-941 full-text
7. Du, F. & Abrams, R. A., (2008). Synergy of stimulus-driven salience and goal-driven prioritization: Evidence from the spatial blink. Perception & Psychophysics. 70, 1489-1503 full-text
8. Abrams, R. A., Davoli, C. C., Du, F., Knapp, W. J., & Paull, D. (2008). Altered vision near the hands. Cognition. 107, 1035-1047 full-text |