Ph.D. Professor
1. Licheng Xue, Xianghong Sun.(2010).Typical Scenarios and Influencing Factors on Speech-handwriting, 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation Vol.4:2194-2197 full-text
2. Licheng Xue, Xianghong Sun.(2010).Natural Behavioral Patterns of Speech Recognition Error Recovery, 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation Vol.4:2135- 2139 full-text
3. Xianghong Sun, Weina Qu.(2009).A study of fire information detection on PDA device HCII2009,LNCS 5612:105-113 full-text
4. Xianghong Sun, Huiyang Li, Torkil Clemmensen, Qingxin Shi .(2008). Is cultural factors affect both evaluator's and test user's thinking in a usability test? ICP 2008
5. Huiyang Li, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang,Torkil Clemmensen,Qingxin Shi(2008). Do Asian people take longer for warm-up during usability test? ICP 2008
6. Huiyang Li, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang,(2008). Improving synthesized Chinese speech alarm design in emergency evacuation: Quantifying and predicting effects of different parameters on perceived urgency, intelligibility and impact on behavior, ICP 2008
7. Xianghong Sun, Weina Qu, Tom Plocher.(2009). A Study of Fire Information Detection on PDA Device. LNCS 5612, p.105 ff.
8. Ning Liu, Kan Zhang, Xianghong Sun. (2007). The measurement of driver's mental workload: a simulation-based study. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings full-text
9. Xianghong Sun, Qingxin Shi. (2007). Language issues in cross cultural usability testing: a pilot study in China. HCII2007 conference proceedings full-text
10. Xianghong Sun, Tom Plocher, Weina Qu. (2007). A Study on the Vertical Navigation of High Rise Buildings. HCII2007 conference proceedings full-text
11. Ning Liu, Zhiguo Wang, Xinghong Sun. (2007). Do the users really hate it: evidence from both explicit and implicit attitudes towards mobile added-value service? PPCOE2007 conference proceedings
12. Huiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG.(2007). Cultural Centered Design: Cultural Factors in Interface Usability and Usability Tests. Proceeding - SNPD 2007: Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, v 3, Proceedings - SNPD 2007: Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2007, p 1084-1088
13. Huiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG.(2007). Voice Alarm System in Emergency Evacuation. D. Harris (Ed.): Engin. Psychol. and Cog. Ergonomics, HCII 2007 (12th Conference of Human Computer Interaction. Beijing, China, 2007.7), LNAI 4562, pp. 723–730, 2007. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007Sun X, Plocher T, Zhang L. (2006) The Intelligibility of Speech Signal in Fire Alarm System APCHI2006 proceedings
14. Sun X., Plocher, T. (2006) The smallest comfortable size of on touch screen APCHI2006 proceedings
15. Xianghong Sun, Tom Plocher (2004). Changes of Elders’ Attitude and Behavior to High-tech Products, ICP2004 proceedings
16. Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003). In-Vehicle Navigation Information Display: Integration of Visual and Auditory Presentation, IEA2003 proceedings, (1):354-357
17. Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003), Comparison of Verbal Comprehension and Speech Production During Driving, IEA2003 proceedings, (1):123-126
18. Xianghong Sun, Enlie Wang, Kan Zhang (1999).A time study in HCI, the 5th proceedings of Chinese Congress of Application of Computer Science:28-33 |